I was at home during the weekend and was thinking
about a way I could add value to life of people or probably my lovely followers
I call them NPvers..lol cool name right??. What first struck my mind was
everyone wants to be successful but not all are ready to go break the limit. Answer? Have you ever wondered why some people are
more successful than others? Okay I decided to make it easier and try sharing
at least two topics weekly on how to achieve financial freedom; I will be
sharing with you some financial secrets of self-made successful millionaires.
Hello, I am Teniola Adedotun, the CEO Newspatchers
blog, I assure you that what you are about to learn can change your life. This
ideas, insight and strategies have been a spring board to financial success to
many men and women from every walk of life. These principles are simple,
effective and very easy to apply. Each of it is based on rigorous research and
interviews with self-made millionaires. The techniques have been proven over
and over again and it will work for you if you take them and apply them in your
own life. Here is the good news, virtually everyone starts with nothing, and
probably 99.1 % of all financially successful people today started up broke or
nearly broke. The average self-made millionaires have been bankrupt or close to
bankrupt 3.2 times. Most of them fail over and over again till they found the
real “success recipe”. One hundred of thousand and hundreds of millions of people
have practised this same technique and you can do it also.
The Iron law of human destiny is the “ Law of cause
and effect”. This law is very simple but yet very powerful. This law states
that there is a specific effect for a cause. For every action there is a
reaction. This law says that success is not an accident; financial success is
the results that doing certain and specific things and causes over and over
again until you get the effect that you desire. The fact is, self-made
millionaires are average people with average education working at average
organization and live in average houses and driving average cars, but they have
found out what other financially successful people do and they have done that
over and over again until they got the same result. It is not magical and it is
not accident and when you think the same way and do the same thing that
self-made millionaires do you will begin to get the same result and rewards
that they do. This is the way and how the law of cause and effect works in your life.
There are 21 secrets of success of self-made millionaires each of these is
indispensable to your becoming financial independent the absence of any one of
these factors can or by itself undermine or even destroy your chances of
health , happiness and great prosperity . The good news is that you can learn
every one of these principles by practice, repetition and learning it over and
over again until they become so natural to you as breathe in and breathe out,
just as you have learned to ride a bicycle and drive a car you can apply the
principles of self-made millionaires and apply them in your life. “Remember
there are no limits except for the limits you place on yourselves”.
Let’s begin!!!

The first secret of self-made millionaires is
simple. “Dream Big Dream”. Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to imagine,
fantasise on the type of life you’ll like to live, the kind of life of money
you will like to earn and have in your bank account. All great men and women
begin with a Dream of something wonderful and different from what they have
today. Remember the song that says “you have to have a dream if you want to
make a dream come true”. Imagine for a moment that you have no limitation on
what you want to be, had or do in life. Can you at least imagine for a moment
that you have all the time, all the money, all the education, all the
experience, all the friends, all the contacts, all the resources &
everything you need to make you achieve anything you really want in life? If
your potential was completely unlimited what kind of a life will you want or
create for yourself and family? Practise what is called back from the future
thinking. This a high technique used regularly by high performing men &
women in every field. This method has an amazing effect on the way you think
and what you do. This is how it works; you project yourself forward to 5 years
in your mind’s eye. Imagine that 5 years have passed and that your life is now
perfect in every respect. What does it look like? What are you doing? Where are
you working? How much money are you earning? How much do you have in the bank? What
kind of lifestyle will you have if your life was perfect in every respect?
Create a vision for yourself for the long time
future. The more clearly you can make a vision of health, happiness and
prosperity the faster you moved towards it and the faster it moves towards you.
When you create a clear mental picture of where you are going in life you
become more positive, more motivated and more determined to make it in reality.
You trigger your natural creativity and you start to come up with ideas after
idea to help your vision come true. You’ll always tend to move in the direction
of your dominant dream, images and vision, the very act of allowing yourself to
dream big dreams actually raises your self-esteem and causes you to like and
respect yourself even more. Dreaming big dreams improves your self-concept and
increases the level of your self-confidence. Dreaming increases your personal
level of self-respect and personal happiness. There is something about dreams
and a vision of the future that is exciting and it stimulates you to do better
than you ever been before. Here is great question for you to ask an answer over
and over again. Here it is, what one thing you will dare to dream if you knew
you will not fail. If you are absolutely guaranteed of success in anyone thing
in life, large or small, short term or long term what will it be? What one
great thing will you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail.

Whatever it
is write it down and begin imagining you have achieved this one great goal
already, then look back to where you are today. What will you have done to get
to where you want to go? What steps will you have taken? What will you have
changed in your life? What will you have gotten into or gotten out of? Who will
you be with? Who will you no longer be with? If your life was perfect in every
respect what will it look like? Whatever it is that you will do differently if
you have no limitation take the first step today. Dreaming big dream is the
starting point of achieving great goals of financial independent. The number 1
reason that people never suicide financially is because it never occur to them
that they can do it, they never DREAM, as a result they never try, they never
get started, they continue to go around in financial circles spending
everything they earn and little bit more besides but when you begin to dream
big dream about financial success, you’ll begin to change the way that you see
yourself and your life. You will begin to do different things bit by bit
gradually until the whole direction of your life changes for the better.
Dreaming big dream is the starting point of financial success and becoming a
self-made millionaire.
Kindly watch out for other 20 secrets on becoming financially successful coming up later today...As i've promised i'll be posting at least 2 daily...Enjoy..!!