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Friday 21 August 2015

Another Trailer accident along Ketu, Lagos. (photos)

This accident happened today along Ketu - Oworo express & caused heavy traffic. As seen above, the contents of the trailer spilled onto the road. More photos after the cut...

 Photo credit: Mase Timilehin

Mother of three Kourtney Kardashian puts her bikini body on display

The 36 year old mum of three put her bikini body on display in a stunning two-piece at the beach in the island of St Barts where she's holidaying with her family. More photos after the cut...

Black twitter drags Elle Canada for describing Dashikis as the 'Newest It-item'

Canada's leading fashion magazine, Elle Canada posted this photo on Twitter describing how the Dashiki is the "newest It-item." Same Dashikis Africans have been rocking for decades? Lol. Trust black Twitter, they dragged them...

Tonto Dikeh speaks on married life, says she's been married for a long time

In an interview with Channels TV, Tonto Dike said she has been married longer than people think
"I have been for a very long time.. Just that I kept the secret to myself..and trying to enjoy married life..yea it just came out like 2-3 days ago.One mistake we do is having this very loud announcement on when you have been engaged and everything and its only normal that the media helps you destroy your marriage before you even get into your home. So,privacy is key in my marriage"she said
Wen asked how being married has influenced her person, Tonto said
"It has changed me a lot I could say. It has. It has changed my perspective of life. It has changed the way I think. For once, it has made me a very happy woman, something that i never used to have. Happiness is everything. If you are not happy, you can never be satisfied with what you have or you can never appreciate all the people. I think it has opened my eyes to be able appreciate people despite the fact that they are who they are. I thank God"she said
On the perception that she is very controversial, Tonto said 
"I am a very straightforward person. I am like a book. I am just very open. I think the controversial part of me is something that the media has put upon me. It's just unfortunate that sometimes I help them play that role because of anger. I get so angry sometimes and I help them play that role. But never again. I have leanrt a lot. Like I said before what marriage has done for me. Marriage has changed my perspective. Now, no body can push me to being controversial anymore this interview with re.Sometimes, I handled it really badly ,and sometimes handle it really good. I will say badly because I  responded to negativity and that only just gave an approval that she is a controversial person But I am actually a very sweet loving and godly person.'Controversy is actually very far from me.  I wouldn''t say that I have not experienced controversy from a very early age. I have. Even in secondary school when everybody thought I was the bad girl meanwhile I was the only virgin out of my school .Although I just like to hang around men rather than female and they just have this idea in their head. Oh I like wearing short skirts rather than long skirts. I have always had that thing with misconception. Only those who are very close to me understand me. I have been very stubborn about people understanding me.Like I don't care if you understand me"she said

Sad photo: Peter Bello's dad and mum at his funeral service

Pictured above are Mr and Mrs Kayode and Thelma Bello, the parents of late Peter Bello, the co-pilot of the ill fated Bristow helicopter. They were at his funeral service that held at the St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Calabar, Cross River State, yesterday August 20th.While paying their tribute, his parents said 
“We thank God for 26 years, for the wonderful times we shared with you. We thank God for your life and all it meant to us. We can only live with these memories. We are confident, blessed that God has better plans for us because He is a good God. Lord, help us to know you more. All we wish and pray is that your death brings others to know who God is. God is sovereign. We love you, we miss you. Rest in the bosom of the Lord.”.

Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh says Mikel Obi refused to pick his call in London

Chelsea midfielder Mikel Obi was not invited by the new Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh to play in the forthcoming 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Tanzania. Asked why Mikel was left out of his list, Oliseh said he called Mikel several times but he never responded or called him back
“I went to England on a Thursday and Chelsea was just coming back. We had fixed our visit to coincide with the end of their tour before they played Arsenal. I contacted Obi Mikel, called him on several occasions with no reply; sent him an SMS with no reply, went to London where he plays in the same club with Victor Moses. I called Moses, the phone rang three times and he picked it up and I spoke with him. Moses came to the meeting but he (Mikel) didn’t come."
I left to Liverpool to meet the other player and I spent about six hours to go there and back but there was no response from Mikel until I returned here. Till now I have not spoken with Mikel. I think it was yesterday (Wednesday) that I saw a missed call, so at the moment I don’t know what the situation is. No player is special, every player is the same, every other player we contacted and spoke with have been invited them" Oliseh said in a media parley yesterday in Abuja

Graphic: Pastor petitions police after his neighbour allegedly stabbed his wife & set his son on fire, killing him!

Pastor Mathew Asuquo, a resident of Ajegunle community in Lagos state has petitioned the Lagos state police command over the repeated attack on his family by one of his neighbors named Jane Osasa. Pastor Asuquo in his petition alleged that Jane had repeatedly attacked his family and nothing had been done to get her arrested even when he reported the case to the Ajeromi police station.

According to him, Jane who is known as Iron Lady in their community, had an argument in their compound with his wife, Cecilia on Mach 20th and while they were arguing, Jane allegedly stabbed his wife with a kitchen knife on her forehead. It gets more gruesome...*graphic photo after the cut*

He said he reported the case at the Ajeromi police station but Jane wasn't arrested neither was anything done to caution her. He said a similar incident happened on June 13th when the said Jane stabbed his daughter, Peace, on the neck. He reported the matter again to the Ajeromi police station but nothing was done. A third incident happened on August 8th when the same Jane attacked his niece who was on holiday in his house. Going by his previous experiences, he refused going to the Ajeromi police station and so he decided to go to the Area B Command in Apapa where he met a certain CSP Lukas who gave him a letter and referred him back to Ajeromi Police station. Officers at Ajeromi Police station after receiving the letter, picked up Jane who they detained and said will be charged to court the next day but was however released later in the evening.

He said on August 11th, the day his family and Jane were to appear in court, Jane along with her husband and one of her relative known as Danger, set his only son, Mathew, ablaze. He is demanding for justice. The person who shared the story - Iboro Tonye-Edet - said the boy, pictured below, has since died. He died on the 19th of August after succumbing to his wounds.

 A copy of his petition  

The main reason why Mikel didn't pick up Oliseh's call in London

Why you no pick your call na Mikel, when oga dey call you? :-)

Guinea Bissau Pres. Mario Vaz Appoints New Prime Minister

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet His Excellency José Mário Vaz, President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, and Ms. Rosa Teixeira Goudiaby Vaz, in the Blue Room during a U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit dinner at the White House, Aug. 5, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)
Guinea Bissau President, Mario Vaz, has named Baciro Dja as the new Prime Minister to replace Domingos Pereira who was sacked last week, an official has said.
Dja is a former minister in the office of the president who was suspended from the ruling party, African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC).
The new presidential appointee was not chosen by PAIGC, the biggest parliamentary party that is supposed to propose the prime minister’s name.
Early this month, Dja was suspended from his post as the third vice-chairman of PAIGC by the party’s disciplinary committee for allegedly undermining the party’s chairman, Simoes Pereira.
He had resigned in June from government following a misunderstanding with the sacked prime minister.
Vaz said he made the decision after holding talks with parties represented in parliament.
PAIGC, which had been engaged in a dispute with Vaz by proposing that he reappoints Pereira, has opposed the president’s new appointee.
Last week, parties represented in parliament demanded the respect of the Constitution and urged the president to retain Pereira.
Vaz and Pereira are both members of PAIGC, the party that emerged victorious in 2014 parliamentary elections with 57 seats out of 102.
Legal experts say if parliament fails to approve the new nomination, it will be dissolved and legislative elections will be held within 90 days as stipulated in the Constitution.
Since gaining independence in 1974 from Portugal, Guinea Bissau has witnessed a lot of political instability caused by military coups.
The instability has transformed the country, which is the poorest in the world, into a drug trafficking hub.