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Tuesday 3 March 2015

See the cutest most wanted man ever..??

The ISIS executioner is popularly referred to as Jihadi John and currently ranks as the most wanted man in the world.

Mohammed Emwazi aka Jihadi John
A photo has finally emerged of the deadly ISIS executioner, Mohammed Emwazi who has appeared in several of the group's released footages.
The ISIS executioner is popularly referred to as Jihadi John and currently ranks as the most wanted man in the world.
Although his parents have bee identified, the couple have reportedly distanced themselves from him, claiming not to be associated with him. According to the duo, he tricked them into believing that he was a humanitarian aid worker in Syria.
Meanwhile, earlier today ISIS reportedly urged jihadists the world over to kill Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey. The veracity of this latest post however is currently under checks with law enforcement.

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