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Tuesday 24 November 2015

Rihanna revealed a teaser from her upcoming album

Rihanna revealed a teaser from her upcoming album

Rihanna is all set to release her 8th album very soon, but she decided to make us wait by revealing a teaser from her opus “ANTI“.
The release of her new album is coming soon. Despite the fact that she’s known for postponing her project, Rihanna is a real working girl. Indeed she decided to position herself out of the world of music, e.g. creating a beauty agency and launching a cannabis business.
Plus, in the beginning of this month, Riri revealed the cover of her project which represents her as little girl wearing a crown. Now she posted on a website called Antidiary.com a fifteen-seconds-clip of ANTI with weird coded pictures. In the background of this mini clip we can hear an extract of her hit “BBHMM”.
This video is quite special as it keeps us on the edge of our seats; thirsty to hear her project! Keep your eyes and ears open, “ANTI” is coming sooner than expected.

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