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Monday 22 February 2016

Odyssey of President Buhari as he Departs Nigeria for Saudi Arabia/Qatar..

President Buhari has departed Abuja for an official visit to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Minister of State for Petroleum: Dr. Ibe Kachikwu is among the delegation on the Official Trip.

So cute - Kim Kardashian shares the First Photo of Saint West

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Meet Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s son, Saint West. (Photo: kimkardashianwest.com)
Finally, we get our first glimpse of his holiness.
Saint West — the divine creation of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West — made his Internet debut on Monday morning. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star posted the first public photo of the tot — nearly three months after his birth — on her website and app.
“Today is my dad’s birthday,” she wrote, referring to famed O.J. Simpson attorney Robert Kardashian, who would have been 72. “I know there’s nothing more in the world he would have wanted than to meet his grandchildren. So I wanted to share this pic of Saint with you all.”
Say what you want about his parents, but Saint is pure sweetness. In the pic, the little guy is stretching his arms in a superhero pose as he sleeps peacefully. He’s outfitted in an off-white thermal shirt and rests on the same color bedding.
Does he look more like mom or dad? Well, we’ll let you duke it out over that in the comments.
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Kim and Kanye at his Yeezy Season 3 show on Feb. 11. (Photo: Getty Images)
The couple waited about the same amount of time to share the first photo of their daughter, North West, who will be 3 in June. Nearly three months after she was born, Kanye shared the first pic of her on Kris Jenner’s now-defunct talk show.
While Kim has a lot of drama to contend with lately related to her outspoken husband, she’s been easing back into the spotlight since Saint’s December arrival, making a series of appearances in New York, including at Kanye’s Yeezy Season 3 show. The reality star has said going from a mom of one to a mom of two has been a difficult transition.
“It seemed like every time Kanye and I would go out, we would see couples — or really anybody that had kids — and everyone would say, ‘Wait until you have two.’ Like it’s the end of the world!” she wrote on her website earlier this month. “I remember Kanye and I would be like, ‘WTF are they talking about? Will our lives be the same? Are we going to be OK?!’ Of course, I expected it to be different but, wow, it really is so hard!”
Kim continued, “When I had North, all I did was feed and sleep. This time around, I get no sleep. Every waking second that I’m not with the baby, I’m with North. I actually think the harder parts aren’t with the newborn but with the toddler! I feel like I go into overdrive to give my daughter attention and make her feel loved. I know we will soon get into the perfect groove and just figure it out. My mom did, my sister did — and I will, too.”

F.C. Barcelona to liaise with Lagos state government on Football Academy

Photos: Board member of FC Barcelona of Spain visit Ambode...

Governor of Lagos state Akinwunmi Ambode at the Lagos House, Ikeja, today Feb. 22nd followed suit of his predecessor Gov. Fashola. We all remembered Fashola a die hard Manchester United fan brought the whole Man Utd team to Lagos for their pre-season match sometime 2013. A Board member of FC Barcelona of Spain, Pau Vilanova i Vila Abadal, and his team, paid a courtesy visit to the Governor at the state house. The International Football team is in Lagos to liaise with the state government on how to set up an Academy. The team were at Agege Stadium to carry out inspection. See more photos after the cut...

Boroffice to FG & EFCC: Mimiko’s N11bn on federal road is Scam

Senator Ajayi Boroffice
The senator representing Ondo North senatorial district, Prof. Ajayi Boroffice has called on the Federal Government to undertake thorough and technical audit of all federal roads in Ondo State to establish the probity or otherwise of the claim by the Governor Olusegun Mimiko-led administration that it expended over N11bn on federal roads in the State.
Senator Boroffice, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Science and Technology, demanded that the team led by the Minister of Transport, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi ‎should publish its reports and recommendations on federal roads in Ondo State for public consumption and scrutiny.
‎In a statement signed by his media aide, Kayode Adeniyi, the senator described the financial claim by the Ondo State Government as bogus, conflicting and deceitful while urging the federal government to exercise circumspection in handling the issue.

“I salute the bold move by the Federal Government to reimburse the state governments for federal road projects rehabilitated and constructed across the country. With this move, the Federal Government has scored another first because it is a sharp departure from the awful past when the federal government paid lip services to such demands from state governments,” Boroffice said.
“However, it is quite crucial to unambiguously state that the claim by the Governor Olusegun Mimiko-led administration that it spent over 11bn on federal roads within Ondo State is bogus, conflicting and deceitful.
Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State
Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State
“Although, the people are aware that a team‎ led by Minister of Transport, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, paid a courtesy visit to the governor on the issue recently. ‎However, the people are unaware of any painstaking effort to audit the affected roads in order to ascertain the probity or otherwise of the bogus claim by the government. The people believe such verification exercise cannot be wholly determined by courtesy visit. Hence, the demand that the Ameachi-led team should lay its reports and recommendations bare for public scrutiny.
He noted that: “It is on record that while Governor Olusegun Mimiko claimed on a live programme in November, 2015 that the state government is owed N7bn being expenditure on federal roads, a former Commissioner for Works ‎and appointee of the governor, had told media correspondents, few months earlier, that state government spent N11 billion on same. ‎Since a clear contradiction has been established, it behooves on the Mimiko-led administration to publicly reconcile these conflicting figures in the spirit of transparency.
‎”Also, a painstaking audit of the reportedly rehabilitated list of roads will indicate a pattern of roads that were either not reconstructed or badly rehabilitated and are presently death traps.
“Recently, I decried the poor state of the Owo-Ipele–Idoani–Isua road, Akungba-Oka Akoko-Isua road and others, urging the authorities to fix them. It beats imagination why the present administration will seek to make fortune from these death traps. For our people, they prefer that such money is deployed to fix these death traps rather than handed over to the Mimiko-led administration that has an infamous reputation for the misappropriation of the #14bn bail-out funds it received from the federal government and other intervention funds.
“At the same time, it should be noted that there is a widespread jubilation in the camp of top government officials and leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party in Ondo State as a free package of #11bn is being expected from Abuja with which they intend to pursue the 2016 Ondo State governorship election,” he added.
Boroffice stated that “The above revelation is yet another reason why it is necessary for the Federal Government through ‎the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN), to exercise circumspection in handling the issue.”

See the beaufitul Nigerian police commissioner- Bisi Kolawole

If her beauty is anything to go bye..then i believe most men will want to get arrested by her for "Lookery" (If there is anything like that).

According to research beautiful ladies tends to be more efficient and intelligent.  Kolawole Olabisi is an Acting Commissioner of Police, ACP Olabisi Kolawole, disclosed  at a news conference to mark 100 days of establishment of the Compliant Response Unit (CRU) on Monday in Abuja.
“Several officers have been redeployed from duty posts including all DPOs by a police command,“ he said.
Kolawole said the action was in response to complaints received from members of the public on misconduct of policemen.
She said that an Assistant Commissioner of Police was also being investigated, 16 junior officers were facing disciplinary action for misconduct, while a traffic warden was dismissed.
Kolawole said that Lagos had the highest complaints with 424, representing 33 per cent, while Imo, Jigawa and Kebbi had two each.
She said that the platform was not aimed at castigating policemen but to ensure international best practices.
The spokesperson added that beyond the feedback on police misconduct, there was the reassurance of the force’s commitment to prompt efficient service delivery.
In a remark, Head of CRU, CSP Abayomi Shogunle, said the unit received 1,946 complaints, resolved 1,522, while investigation was ongoing into 291 compalints and 133 were discarded for lack of evidence.
He said that there was a considerable reduction in reporting police officers’ misconduct by members of the public.
“The force is worried about the low rate of complaints from the public,” he said.
Shogunle said that the force would conduct a scientific research to ascertain the reason for the reduction.
He said that the unit would ensure that Nigerians got the police they could “truly call their own’’.
The CRU is a social media platform established through which members of the public can lodge their complaints and get feedback on police officers’ misconduct.

I think this lady deserves the Most Beautiful Service Personnel for the Month, if not for the year..lol

See more photos below.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Chronicles of a yahoo boy (Internet Fraudster) Episode 2, Season 1

The Internship

After my secondary school Certificate Examination, things weren’t as rosy as thought. It was then life truly dealt with me. We were thrown out of our house and the only option was living and scooting in a desolate hospital. My dad in his usual way found is level..He sorted himself out and left all to the poor woman( Iya Dotun). On so many occasions we (my sister and I) slept on marshy rugs at the back of the hospital, when the hospital guard refused to let us in. We have to wait till late in the night when everywhere seem gloomy before we could sneak in.

My infatuations about my childhood cartoon (Scooby Doo) later came into reality. 
I remember wanting to hiss myself one midnight when I heard a frightening smile…ahahahahhh…I saw a shadow walk bye and slammed the door…gbaaaammm…I ran back postponing the activity till day break.

 Alright let me not bore you with some part of my funny story…all seem like a fairytale now..you know the once upon a time thing..!!
A year after secondary school, I had to relocate to Anthony Village to live with a family friend. Then my  internship to yahoo yahoo truly began. 
I learnt from the real bosses of the business. The so called big names in the Yahoo industry surely have affiliations with this dudes. They were my brothers and mentors at that time.

My first email address for the business was signed up. I started with posting ads on craiglist for one of my closest bro..who does classified…hmm are you wondering what classified is all about..?? That was the real deal then before the so called dating of the New Age..lol…New age indeed…
He thought me how to copy and paste..that’s simply the basic step needed. Copy and paste, replying messages from archives of formats and opening a new word pad for pasting the  maga's addresses...lol. It was much fun experiencing my internship there because I had opportunity to watch and observe how things are done. I got carried away and forgot the hardship and pain I experienced earlier, was wearing the latest sneakers, clothes from my different departmental lecturers…lol..I call them that because they really need to be awarded with a Phd in Yahoology..boring right??

In less than three months in the house, I met some different spiritual people  who could tell you to “stop wasting your time on this man or woman they won’t pay”..they work better on those ones who they notice better prospects in. They are like business partners to the yahoo guys.

I remember one faithful day, The man with the name Gaskia a muslim cleric who works for one of the dude already got a notification from his shrine maybe..that one of the maga he have been working on paid some money days back….he drove into the compound to confront the guy who had earlier denied it. To my surprise the dude admitted to the fact that the maga truly paid…lol and gave him his share.

I got registered on my first dating site..myspace.com with the name Jenny Houston…What a sweet name right..lol..I developed a strong and nice profile and in less than one week I met my first real maye…lol
Then the whole story started to make sense.. ( To be continued)

Financial secrets of self-made successful millionaires.

I was at home during the weekend and was thinking about a way I could add value to life of people or probably my lovely followers I call them NPvers..lol cool name right??. What first struck my mind was everyone wants to be successful but not all are ready to go break the limit.  Answer?  Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Okay I decided to make it easier and try sharing at least two topics weekly on how to achieve financial freedom; I will be sharing with you some financial secrets of self-made successful millionaires.

Hello, I am Teniola Adedotun, the CEO Newspatchers blog, I assure you that what you are about to learn can change your life. This ideas, insight and strategies have been a spring board to financial success to many men and women from every walk of life. These principles are simple, effective and very easy to apply. Each of it is based on rigorous research and interviews with self-made millionaires. The techniques have been proven over and over again and it will work for you if you take them and apply them in your own life. Here is the good news, virtually everyone starts with nothing, and probably 99.1 % of all financially successful people today started up broke or nearly broke. The average self-made millionaires have been bankrupt or close to bankrupt 3.2 times. Most of them fail over and over again till they found the real “success recipe”. One hundred of thousand and hundreds of millions of people have practised this same technique and you can do it also.

The Iron law of human destiny is the “ Law of cause and effect”. This law is very simple but yet very powerful. This law states that there is a specific effect for a cause. For every action there is a reaction. This law says that success is not an accident; financial success is the results that doing certain and specific things and causes over and over again until you get the effect that you desire. The fact is, self-made millionaires are average people with average education working at average organization and live in average houses and driving average cars, but they have found out what other financially successful people do and they have done that over and over again until they got the same result. It is not magical and it is not accident and when you think the same way and do the same thing that self-made millionaires do you will begin to get the same result and rewards that they do. This is the way and how the  law of cause and effect works in your life. There are 21 secrets of success of self-made millionaires each of these is indispensable to your becoming financial independent the absence of any one of these factors can  or by itself  undermine or even destroy your chances of health , happiness and great prosperity . The good news is that you can learn every one of these principles by practice, repetition and learning it over and over again until they become so natural to you as breathe in and breathe out, just as you have learned to ride a bicycle and drive a car you can apply the principles of self-made millionaires and apply them in your life. “Remember there are no limits except for the limits you place on yourselves”.

Let’s begin!!!
The first secret of self-made millionaires is simple. “Dream Big Dream”. Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to imagine, fantasise on the type of life you’ll like to live, the kind of life of money you will like to earn and have in your bank account. All great men and women begin with a Dream of something wonderful and different from what they have today. Remember the song that says “you have to have a dream if you want to make a dream come true”. Imagine for a moment that you have no limitation on what you want to be, had or do in life. Can you at least imagine for a moment that you have all the time, all the money, all the education, all the experience, all the friends, all the contacts, all the resources & everything you need to make you achieve anything you really want in life? If your potential was completely unlimited what kind of a life will you want or create for yourself and family? Practise what is called back from the future thinking. This a high technique used regularly by high performing men & women in every field. This method has an amazing effect on the way you think and what you do. This is how it works; you project yourself forward to 5 years in your mind’s eye. Imagine that 5 years have passed and that your life is now perfect in every respect. What does it look like? What are you doing? Where are you working? How much money are you earning? How much do you have in the bank? What kind of lifestyle will you have if your life was perfect in every respect?

Create a vision for yourself for the long time future. The more clearly you can make a vision of health, happiness and prosperity the faster you moved towards it and the faster it moves towards you. When you create a clear mental picture of where you are going in life you become more positive, more motivated and more determined to make it in reality. You trigger your natural creativity and you start to come up with ideas after idea to help your vision come true. You’ll always tend to move in the direction of your dominant dream, images and vision, the very act of allowing yourself to dream big dreams actually raises your self-esteem and causes you to like and respect yourself even more. Dreaming big dreams improves your self-concept and increases the level of your self-confidence. Dreaming increases your personal level of self-respect and personal happiness. There is something about dreams and a vision of the future that is exciting and it stimulates you to do better than you ever been before. Here is great question for you to ask an answer over and over again. Here it is, what one thing you will dare to dream if you knew you will not fail. If you are absolutely guaranteed of success in anyone thing in life, large or small, short term or long term what will it be? What one great thing will you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail. 

Whatever it is write it down and begin imagining you have achieved this one great goal already, then look back to where you are today. What will you have done to get to where you want to go? What steps will you have taken? What will you have changed in your life? What will you have gotten into or gotten out of? Who will you be with? Who will you no longer be with? If your life was perfect in every respect what will it look like? Whatever it is that you will do differently if you have no limitation take the first step today. Dreaming big dream is the starting point of achieving great goals of financial independent. The number 1 reason that people never suicide financially is because it never occur to them that they can do it, they never DREAM, as a result they never try, they never get started, they continue to go around in financial circles spending everything they earn and little bit more besides but when you begin to dream big dream about financial success, you’ll begin to change the way that you see yourself and your life. You will begin to do different things bit by bit gradually until the whole direction of your life changes for the better. Dreaming big dream is the starting point of financial success and becoming a self-made millionaire. 

Kindly watch out for other  20 secrets on becoming financially successful coming up later today...As i've promised i'll be posting at least 2 daily...Enjoy..!!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Pictures: PHCN staff electrocuted while working on an electric pole in Lagos

A PHCN staff was electrocuted at Kogberegbe Street, Isolo Lagos today. He was electrocuted while he was trying to fix the light. As of 2pm when I received these photos from a witness, the man was still up there. See them after the cut...

How many teachers does a school need?

School assembly
Do schools in England have enough teachers?
There is at the very least a severe disconnect between the different views, and the gap shows no sign of closing.
Almost every head teacher you speak to will regale you at length with the difficulties of getting enough decent applicants for a job.
Ministers point to national figures showing a stable teacher to pupil ratio.
But as the National Audit Office also points out today, in its understated way, the official statistics only tell you so much.
The number of vacancies or posts filled temporarily has doubled but is still at 1.2% of the workforce.
This doesn't tell us who is standing in front of that class.
Although, as this report makes clear, if it's physics the chances of it being someone who has only reached A-level have got greater.
Almost a third of secondary school physics classes in England are now being taught by someone without a degree in the subject.
And in computer science or Spanish it nudges over 40%.


Nor does the data tell us what is the right number of teachers, perhaps quite sensibly, because schools and their pupils vary so much.
Analysis for the NAO of similar primary schools with about 200 children found some had the equivalent of 12 full time teachers, while others had only 7.
That is quite a staggering difference.
It adds to the arguments for a more subtle and nuanced view of teacher recruitment than the headline figures.
Predicting how many teachers schools need against a background of rising pupil numbers and more emphasis on teaching core subjects isn't easy.
England's independent public spending watchdog is warning a better grasp of it is needed by officials.
And one thing is certain, if there are shortfalls in recruitment to teacher training now, they are likely to get worse if the economy improves any further.

Credit to BBC uk

Sunderland's Adam Johnson admits child sex charge

Image copyrightPA
Image captionThe winger denies two charges of sexual activity with a girl aged under 16

Sunderland footballer Adam Johnson has pleaded guilty to one count of sexual activity with a child and one charge of grooming.
Appearing at Bradford Crown Court, the Sunderland winger also denied two charges of sexual activity with a girl aged under 16.
The 28-year-old from Castle Eden, County Durham, who has 12 England caps, was arrested in March 2015.
His case is due to be formally opened on Friday.
Kate Blackwell QC for the prosecution said the alleged incidents had taken place in or about the area of Castle Eden and Wingate.

Image captionAdam Johnson arrived at court with his partner Stacey Flounders

Judge Jonathan Rose told the jury of six men and six women: "You may see reference to this in the press but it's the evidence in court that you will gather.
"This defendant has already pleaded guilty to two offences, you will hear more about them in detail when Miss Blackwell opens the case to you on Friday."
He said they must come to a decision on the remaining two charges.
"It will be for you and only you to determine if he is guilty or not guilty."
Mr Johnson, who was born in Sunderland, began his career at Middlesbrough before moving to Manchester City and then on to Sunderland for £10m in 2012.

FA Cup- West Ham Hammers Liverpool out of FA Cup..

FA Cup: West Ham 2-1 Liverpool (aet) highlights

Angelo Ogbonna's extra-time header put West Ham into the last 16 of the FA Cup with a dramatic fourth-round replay win against Liverpool.
The Hammers led before half-time when Michail Antonio guided in Enner Valencia's cross at the far post.
Liverpool responded shortly after the restart when Philippe Coutinho's low free-kick sneaked under the home wall.
Both sides hit the woodwork in an open tie, before Ogbonna met Dimitri Payet's free-kick to delight the home fans.
The Hammers will visit Championship side Blackburn in the fifth round on Sunday, 21 February.

Magic of the cup?

Game will go down in history - Bilic

West Ham manager Slaven Bilic has said he would rather win the FA Cup than finish in the Premier League top four, and he showed his intent by picking a near full-strength side against an inexperienced Liverpool team.
Reds counterpart Jurgen Klopp, as he had in his previous three FA Cup matches, rang the changes with only goalkeeper Simon Mignolet surviving from Saturday's Premier League draw against Sunderland.
But any worries - for the neutral observer, at least - that the hosts would dominate their youthful opponents proved unfounded.
The two sides were evenly matched throughout the 120 minutes as a high-tempo game, containing plenty of goalscoring chances and drama, provided a sharp contrast to the dour 0-0 draw at Anfield.
Either side could have nicked an extra-time winner, with Christian Benteke missing three clear-cut opportunities for Liverpool.
And former Juventus defender Ogbonna's first Hammers goal provided the perfect finale for the hosts in what might be the final FA Cup tie at the Boleyn Ground before their move to the Olympic Stadium.

West Ham v Liverpool
Ogbonna scored his first West Ham goal in his 18th appearance for the club

Hammers up for the cup?

West Ham are three-time winners of the FA Cup, but have not lifted the trophy since Trevor Brooking's famous header gave them victory in the 1980 final.
But with Bilic keen to focus on the competition, could he lead the east London club to silverware in his first season as Hammers boss?
The Croat will not publicly admit it, but he must realise his team have a great chance of reaching the last eight as they face a Blackburn side winless in eight league matches and in the lower reaches of the Championship.
France international Dimitri Payet will be central to their ambitions of a possible run to Wembley, with the mercurial midfielder again instrumental in this victory.
The 28-year-old, who the Hammers want to sign an improved deal, outlined his worth by starting the move that led to Antonio's goal and supplying the teasing free-kick that Ogbonna converted.

Benteke to blame?

Since his £32m summer arrival from Aston Villa, Benteke has failed to win over many Liverpool fans, who have questioned the wisdom in spending so much on a striker who has struggled to fit into the Reds' system.
And the Belgian missed the chance to win over the doubters by firing Liverpool, seven-time winners of the FA Cup, past the Hammers.

Christian Benteke
Benteke put four of his nine shots on target (green arrows), seeing two blocked (yellow) and three missing the home goal (red)

Benteke had nine efforts at goal - three times as many as any other player - but extended his goalless run to 11 matches in 2016.
Hammers keeper Darren Randolph denied him from close range in both halves of normal time, but Benteke should have scored when put clean through in extra time.
However, he could only shoot at the legs of the Republic of Ireland international - a miss which proved costly.
"It's not the nicest moment in his career but he has to work hard," said Klopp.
"He wants to score and we need him to score. We will work on it in the days, weeks and months."

Sturridge return boosts Liverpool

Klopp sees 'lot of good' despite loss

Despite the defeat, there were some positives for Liverpool fans - most notably Daniel Sturridge returning from a hamstring injury to make his first appearance since early December.
Sturridge has spent almost 55% of his time at Anfield injured, but once again showed how important he could be if he manages to stay fit.
The England international gradually grew into the game after arriving as a 59th-minute substitute, showing glimpses of neat footwork and his sharp eye for goal.
His best opportunity came early in the second half of extra time, when he picked the ball up near the halfway line before driving forward unopposed and fizzing a shot inches over the Hammers crossbar.
Too early to start thinking of an England recall?

Man of the match - Michail Antonio (West Ham)

West Ham v Liverpool
Antonio impressed at both ends of the pitch. The £7m summer signing scored his fourth goal in six home games and was also denied on two other occasions. But he also impressed defensively, making a game-high five successful tackles when he filled in for the injured Joey O'Brien at right-back

What's next?

Back to Premier League action. Sixth-placed West Ham go to relegation battlers Norwich on Saturday, while ninth-placed Liverpool visit bottom side Aston Villa on Sunday.

Stats you need to know

  • Liverpool played their 40th game in all competitions in 2015-16, more than any other Premier League team
  • Philippe Coutinho's goal was Liverpool's first in 318 minutes of action against West Ham in all competitions this season
  • The Hammers have lost just one of their past 11 FA Cup games at home, winning six and drawing four
  • West Ham's win was their first in eight FA Cup meetings with the Reds, drawing three and losing four
  • Benteke has gone 11 games without scoring for Liverpool in all competitions, mustering 30 shots in those matches