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Friday 2 December 2016

Don - Isah - Peter King - A Year 5 pupil of Distinct Star Schools, Magodo Invented an Electric Paper Bulb.

Kids can be incredibly creative and inventive- and some even see their big ideas developed into astounding business opportunities as well.
Young Don - Isah - Peter King a Year 5 pupil of Distinct Star Schools, Magodo, Lagos was only 10 years old when inspiration struck, The 10-year old made fun of a broken Christmas light he saw in his class waste bin, he kidded with his friends that if only the bulbs were made of paper they may not break. However, his class teacher Mr. Fasanya overheard him and encouraged Don Isah to Pursue the idea himself.

Suddenly, Don had an idea: " Why can't we have smaller drug cartons recycled as bulbs instead of the glassy ones?" Not only would this render the cartons useful, but it would also make the room more cool and radiation free.

In November, 2016, after Don Isah had spent some time experimenting, he brought forth a used paper with a bulb wired inside it. He presented the idea to his classmates; Nwachukwu Zuriel, Ofulue Amaka and Adeola Funto who applauded his effort and encouraged him to present it to the school management as a contender for the Yearly Distinct Star Schools' Science innovation of the year.

Don-Isah eventually won the prestigious prize for the innovation of the year as it is accustomed with Distinct Star Schools to celebrate pupils who win this category in order to educate and bring out the best in others (learners). Like most young inventors aspire, Don-Isah said that he desires to become an engineer and hopefully own the largest and first Electric Paper bulb company in the world.

Article written by : Teniola  Michael

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