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Saturday 21 February 2015

Nigerian Troops Reclaim Baga

French soldiers in operation Serval in Mali
The Military, on Saturday, said Baga town in Borno State has been retaken from Boko Haram.
“Troops have this afternoon captured Baga after fierce battle with terrorists. Heavy Casualties. Mopping up ongoing. Details later,” the military said via Twitter today.
Although there has been no independent report confirming the announcement by the defence headquarters, but the channel used had often been used to disseminate information on the activities of the troops in the fight against insurgency.
A series of mass killings were carried out by Boko Haram in Baga and its environs between 3rd January and 7th January 2015, starting with the capture of a military base that was the headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force containing troops from Chad, Niger, and Nigeria. The militants then forced thousands of locals from the region and committed mass killings that culminated on the 7th. Local officials and residents who fled were quoted as saying that “over 2,000″ people were believed killed or “unaccounted for”. The Ministry of Defence, however, said that no more than 150 people in total had been killed, including militants.

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