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Saturday 21 February 2015

Senegal Seeks Seven Year Sentence For Ex-president Wade’s Son

Karim Wade, son of Senegal's former president Abdoulaye Wade, attends a rally by his father's political party PDS in Dakar
A Sengalese special prosecutor is seeking a 7-year prison sentence for Karim Wade, the son of a former president, on charges of illegal enrichment, Wade’s lawyer said on Wednesday. Reuters report:
The prosecutor also wants to suspend Wade’s political rights, a threat to his career. Wade headed several ministries during the presidency of his father, Abdoulaye Wade, and is seen by many in the historically stable West African country as a future leader.
The 46-year-old Wade denies any wrongdoing. His arrest has stoked divisions and large crowds have gathered outside the courtroom on several occasions since the trial began seven months ago, prompting police to fire teargas. Graffiti scrawled across buildings in the capital, Dakar, reads “Free Karim!”
In his closing remarks, prosecutor Cheikh Tidiane Mara late on Tuesday also sought a 250 CFA billion-franc fine and the confiscation of Wade’s assets. “The prosecutor is equally asking that Karim is denied his political and civil rights and that is their real goal,” lawyer Amadou Sall told Reuters.
Defense lawyers, who have frequently boycotted proceedings, are due to make a concluding address. The court will then deliberate before passing a final judgment.

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