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Monday 4 July 2016

Chronicles of a yahoo boy (Internet Fraudster) Episode 3, Season 1

Then the whole story started to make sense. Jenny was a cool country girl who lives with her grandmother, she loves to cook, sing and work at a restaurant in New York,USA. She was cute and in her mid 20's. Every single man who came across my profile fell in love with the innocent girl's look and smile, they stalked and sent bulk of messages.

My first real catch was a NYPD officer, who happens to be a widower, he suggested we meet and in my usual pitiful way I told him I could only get half of the fee. I told the dude my granny's name was Angelica, only for him to ask me minutes later when he was typing  the MTCN no's of the remaining half of my flight fee that what was my granny's name was again? Only then did my incompetence really dawned on me. I mixed up the name and that was how I lost my first 500 dollars..quite some money back then.lol.

                                                              Meeting David Meyer
Yea, David Meyer was the real man that turned around my yahoo game...He was a Canadian who happens to be a pharmacist, he was very rich and meeting him was just as easy and unbelievable. That night after working round the clock till around 5:45 am early morning..a message popped in...Hello Princess, How are you...??
At first I wanted to ignore but I reluctantly replied. Hey Handsome.. and that was how the whole conversation started...David promised to buy me supper that night and he sent his first 75 dollars.lol..which I used to buy tools..Have you ever wondered what tools are?? Hmm..you really wouldn't want to know...lol..
He later decided to change my ward robe the next day...he surprisingly sent me 750 dollars in less than two days..wooow!! this must be the deal I thought...I truly changed my very wardrobe, bought a new phone and the club was my new home. I could recall he sent me the first real funds on the 31st of December 2012.

I was in church that night waiting for the morning to come, the year truly started on a real good note...my first real funds changed the game...David Meyer started to gain respect among my brothers and my so called "Lecturers"and a new chapter of format was cooking up...(To be continued)

Kindly note that names mentioned in this story are only fictional..thanks.

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