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Monday 4 July 2016

Donald Trump’s Star of David Tweet Came From a Fringe Website

Donald Trump at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver on Friday. Credit David Zalubowski/Associated Press
The Star of David imagery used in a Twitter post by Donald J. Trump this weekend had previously appeared on a message board known for anti-Semitism and white supremacy, as well as on a Twitter account with a history of racially charged comments, according to a report.
It is unclear where the Trump campaign discovered the image, which placed the shape of the Star of David beside a picture of Hillary Clinton with text that read, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” and a background of $100 bills. The post on Saturday by Mr. Trump prompted immediate criticism, fueling accusations that Mr. Trump was playing to stereotypes of Jews.
Later on Saturday, Mr. Trump deleted the post and added another image with a circle covering the star, though tips of the star were still visible. While Mr. Trump’s campaign has been silent on the episode, and did not respond to requests for comment, some of his defenders have argued that a six-pointed star is a symbol used by many sheriff’s departments.
The post that Donald J. Trump deleted from his Twitter account.
But a report on Sunday by the news website Mic traced the image to a website for the “alt right,” an internet-based movement associated with white nationalism, where it appeared as early as June 22. The origin of the image appeared to be a Twitter account that has frequently criticized Mrs. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, and has posted caustic and violent messages about Muslims, refugees and race.
For much of his campaign, Mr. Trump has been criticized for appearing to accommodate fringe groups and making comments that heartened them. He has also reposted encouraging messages from white supremacists.
Mr. Trump received criticism this year after he initially declined to disavow the support of David Duke, the white nationalist and former member of the Ku Klux Klan, before eventually distancing himself.
“I do not know that there’s a precedent for this,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, said in an interview.
“I think it’s certainly long overdue for Donald Trump as the presumptive G.O.P. nominee and as a person in the public square to reject — to flat-out, to firmly, to forcefully reject — the anti-Semites and the racists with a clarity and energy he’s brought to the campaign trail when going after other candidates,” Mr. Greenblatt said.
Mr. Greenblatt added that research had shown that white supremacists interpret Mr. Trump’s “hesitant disavowals” as a “green light” for their views.
Conservatives opposed to Mr. Trump have shuddered at what they consider to be unsubtle dog whistles, a term for coded messages to a political subgroup, from the candidate.
“A Star of David, a pile of cash, and suggestions of corruption,” Erick Erickson, a conservative commentator, posted on Twitter. “Donald Trump again plays to the white supremacists.”
Mr. Trump’s supporters have cast such reactions as examples of excessive sensitivity and political correctness. The fallout from this flap has been no exception.
On Sunday, on CNN, Corey Lewandowski, Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager, called the reaction “political correctness run amok.”
“A tweet is a simple tweet,” he said. “The bottom line is, you can read into things that are not there.”
Aides to Mrs. Clinton, who is a Methodist, have so far declined to comment.
Mr. Trump often speaks of his close ties to Jewish people. His daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, who has become a close campaign adviser.
On Sunday, Mr. Trump called Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner who died Saturday, a “great man.”
“The world is a better place because of him and his belief that good can triumph over evil!” Mr. Trump posted on Twitter.
At a funeral service for Mr. Wiesel on Sunday, Ted Koppel revealed that Mr. Wiesel recently had lunch with Mr. Trump at the candidate’s invitation, according to two people at the memorial.
“I am sure he did not love Donald Trump,” said Francine Klagsbrun, an author and a friend of Mr. Wiesel’s. “I am sure he would not be voting for Trump,” she said. “But he was just an open person who was open to everybody.”

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